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Facelift in Ahmedabad

As we age, our skin loses elasticity, and the underlying tissues of the face become saggy and loose. These are the factors that contribute to a facial appearance that may cause person to look older than she or he feels. This procedure targets signs of aging in the cheeks, lower face, and neck to restore a more glowing youthful face.

Thinking about Facelift at Alvura?

Reduces Wrinkles:

Over time, the collagen lying in our skin starts breaking down which leads to form fine lines and wrinkles. Facelift surgery removes loose, saggy skin to give a smooth, younger skin texture that will be turn back the clock.

Well defined Jawline:

Loose and saggy skin tissues along the jawline can create the appearance of jowls. Facelift procedure tightens the muscles and removes the excess tissue for a chiseled jawline that you always wanted to have.

Firm facial and neck contours:

Saggy skin at the corners of the mouth and drooping skin tissues in the cheeks and neck can significantly age your appearance. This procedure repositions the underlying tissues and removes any excess to achieve firmer contours in the face and neck.

Ideal candidate for Facelift

Good candidates for facelift surgery are both man and woman

  • Face and neck skin have begun to sag down
  • Jowls or loss of jaw line
  • Wrinkles in the cheek area
  • Excess fatty tissue in neck

Why choose Alvura for FaceLift Surgery?

When it comes to this delicate procedure, a little goes a long way, which is why it’s important to choose a specialist who has the care and skill to sculpt your nose with precision.

Alvura is the most advanced center with highly trained doctors and qualified staff. Dr. Rishiraj is a “Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon” with extensive skill and experience in performing FaceLift surgery. He has performed countless surgeries. He possesses a keen eye for aesthetics and the surgical knowledge to achieve excellent results. Dr. Rishiraj and his qualified staff are dedicated to patient safety, privacy, satisfaction, and comfort.


Facelift surgery is a great way to add some more years to youth and boost your self confidence and satisfaction.

FaceLift surgery is performed under sedation or general anesthesia.

Full Facelift

  • Addresses the Mid and lower face, jowls and chin
  • Involves Incision in the hairline from the temples down to the creases of the ear and into the hairline behind the ear
  • Removes excess fat and skin and redrapes the underlying tissues.

Mini Facelift

  • Targets the lower portion of the face.
  • Good for patients who do not need any change in the cheek or chin areas.
  • Very short incisions around the ears.
  • Removes excess fat and skin, and redrapes the underlying tissues.

Recovery after Facelift Surgery

As with all surgical procedures, there is a recovery process. After facelift surgery to we ensure that you heal properly and can fully enjoy your rejuvenated facial appearance.

Immediately after:

Pain medication will be prescribed to reduce discomfort and swelling. Our protocol for recovery includes supplements, vitamins, and anti-bruising medications, will begin.

1 week :

Patients are usually able to return to work and light activities. Swelling and bruising will begin to resolve by end of 1st week.

2 weeks :

Bruising and swelling will continue to resolve. We will recommend light physical activities, but patients should avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting.

4 weeks :

Results will be more apparent. Patients may return to their normal activities, including strenuous exercise and lifting, once cleared by Dr. Rishiraj.

Privacy and confidentiality

We at Alvura follow highest standards of privacy and confidentiality ensuring additional comfort for our patients. For your privacy, we maintain a strict non-disclosure policy.


Please note that results largely depend on how realistic your expectations are. The results may vary from person to person. No two people will have the same results despite the similar procedure.

Cost of FaceLift Surgery

At Alvura, we are dedicated to providing you with the best results possible while centering around the philosophy of integrity and safety. Our primary focus is ensuring that every patient feels comfortable and confident. Offering Best Face Lift Services in Ahmedabad and results at the best cost. Reach us for Face Lift Surgery in Ahmedabad that costs between ₹75,000 to ₹1,60,000 depending upon the ageing effect and procedures required to correct the same. We will be there to offer you full explanations regarding your queries.



Local or general anesthesia may be provided, but it depends on the extent of the procedure and what you and your surgeon prefer. With general anesthesia, you’ll sleep through the operation. For optimal safety and comfort, most procedures are performed under general anesthesia.

Facelift surgery targets cheeks, lower face and neck. Patients who is worried about the signs of aging in their upper face can combine a eyelid lift or brow lift with their facelift surgery more well defined facial rejuvenation.

The results are generally permanent and patients can enjoy their youthful face for the years to come.

Facelift surgeries are done in fully accredited hospital, under local or general anaesthesia. It is an outpatient procedure, meaning you can go home the same day. All surgeries are performed in fully accredited hospital setup ensuring your safety.

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