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Breast Augmentation in Ahmedabad

For any women, their breasts play an important role in their overall feminine personality. Many women anticipate the idea of Breast Augmentation to improve the natural appearance of their breast. Natural Breast Augmentation is a very safe procedure which increases the volume, size and improves the shape of a woman’s breasts using their own body fat. This procedure removes the stubborn unwanted fat from the targeted area of the body and reshapes the breasts giving a sculpted figure.

Thinking of Natural Breast Augmentation at Alvura?

Natural Breast Augmentation:

We at Alvura expertise in augmenting breast appearance naturally without using saline or silicone breast implants. Patients can be at peace of mind without worrying about implant rupture, rippling, malposition of implant or capsular contracture.

Thinking of Youthful Breasts:

With aging of body, weight fluctuations or childbirth women usually lose volume in their breasts. This results in deflated appearance of breasts. Mainly breast tissue is composed of fat, natural breast augmentation replaces the lost volume of breast fat in a more sculpted fashion.

Why choose Alvura for Natural Breast Augmentation Surgery ?

Dr. Rishiraj is a “Board-Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon” with extensive skill and experience performing Natural Breast Augmentation surgery. Breast implant surgery is the most commonly performed in aesthetic practice. He possesses a keen eye for aesthetics and the surgical knowledge to achieve optimum results. Dr. Rishiraj and his qualified staff are dedicated to patient safety, privacy, satisfaction, and comfort.

About the procedure:

In this procedure Fat is harvested via Liposuction (Vaser) this fat is then processed to remove impurities and concentrate stem cells. This pure stem cell rich fat is transferred into the breasts.

Fat harvesting is done from areas like waistline, love handles (sides), thighs, back or buttocks.

The aim of fat transfer is not only to add volume to the breasts but also give more natural looking shape.

Recovery After Natural Breast Augmentation

Immediately after:

Minor swelling, bruising can be expected immediately after any surgery. Your cosmetic surgeon will prescribe you proper medications to minimize these. Take plenty rest to aid speedy recovery.

1st week :

Minor swelling and bruise marks are seen from where liposuction was done to harvest fat. Most of the patients can resume their work in week but should refrain from strenuous activity.

2 to 3 weeks:

During this phase patient can start light physical activities after consulting your cosmetic surgeon.

4 to 6 weeks:

By this time all the symptoms like swelling and bruising may have subsided. You can start your routine workouts including upper body and chest exercise by the end of 6 weeks.

After Effects of Natural Breast Augmentation

Liposuction results from the area where fat cells were harvested are long lasting, as liposuction sculpts the targeted area. The new chiseled body shape is permanent if you maintain stable weight.

As the swelling subsides you will be able to see the results of over a period of few weeks. The transferred fat cells gradually combine with the breast tissue giving a natural look. The breast size and volume is going to increase if there are no weight fluctuations.

Privacy and confidentiality

We at Alvura follow highest standards of privacy and confidentiality ensuring additional comfort for our patients. For your privacy, we maintain a strict non-disclosure policy.


Please note that results largely depend on how realistic your expectations are. The results may vary from person to person. No two people will have the same results despite the similar procedure.

Cost of Natural Breast Augmentation Surgery

At Alvura, we are dedicated to providing you with the best results possible while centering around the philosophy of integrity and safety. Our primary focus is ensuring that every patient feels comfortable and confident. Offering Best Natural Breast Augmentation Services in Ahmedabad and results at the best cost. Reach us for Natural Breast Augmentation in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Cost for Natural Breast Augmentation in Ahmedabad, India varies from ₹1,00,000 to ₹1,20,000 depending upon Type of Surgery. We will be there to offer you full explanations regarding your queries.


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